Contemporary applications of big data in science

Big data has driven a new wave of innovation in science today, allowing researchers to make new discoveries and advancements across a wide range of disciplines. In healthcare, big data allows for a concept called ‘precision medicine’ in which big-data analysis of patients’ genetic information can be used to tailor treatments to individual patients’ unique genetic profiles, leading to improvements in the effectiveness of treatments compared with non-personalised approaches and fewer side-effects. Big data also allows for more precise climate modelling and prediction of disasters in environmental science. For example, by analysing large amounts of meteorological data, we can have much better insight into the weather and disasters than previously, which in turn allows us to better plan what to do and how to mitigate their impacts. Big data has been a vital for astronomy, which is able to uncover new planets and every kind of cosmic anomaly by analysing massive streams of celestial data. For genomics, big data provides an efficient means of mapping and recording genetic variations, allowing researchers to better understand hereditary diseases and have them more readily treated or even cured.
